ABOUT Deals Investment Group (DIG Development)

DIG is an acclaimed real estate group in Egypt, with an outstanding business track record and a prospering portfolio of successful projects.

At DIG, we operate through a group of subsidiaries and sister companies offering a broad range of comprehensive services with the aim of exceeding perfection in everything we do.

The different businesses and activities are strategically organized under the mother company to serve the real estate development sector and the sales & marketing sectors.

DIG and its sister companies uphold international standards of quality; the standards to provide an unmatched level of service to meet the requirements and expectations, working together with a highly qualified team of engineers, top design firms, property & community management companies, consultants, and competent talents who are committed to ensuring that this standard is achieved through continuous improvement and innovation, so as to ensure a thriving user experience across all of its developments.

In less than a decade, DIG’s sister companies;  were able to develop residential and commercial projects that offer a valuable experiences and modernised lifestyle standards, boasted over five projects across Egypt, in some of the country’s most prime locations, including CapitalHills Developments projects at the East of Cairo (Point 9, Point 11, Park Point) and West Cairo (Park Yard). In addition to Life Hills project at and West of Cairo (Life Hills Compound).

Equally attracting local and international investors.

TOP Project:
  • Track 10 In New Capital
  • Track 14 In New Capital

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