
About Afaq Development

Afaq Real Estate Development Company

It is one of the leading companies in the field of real estate development with more than 26 years of experience. It was established by a group of engineers and architects. It began its first projects by designing many buildings and residential apartments in the Fifth and Sixth Settlement area October

Integrated projects with services that combine residential, administrative and commercial units in one place to facilitate its customers. Afaq Real Estate Company has implemented several projects in the Gulf region, including the College of Medicine at the University of Tabuk, Umluj Hospital, King Khalid Hospital in Tabuk, the General Tourism Authority building in Dammam, a primary and middle school complex And secondary school in Tabuk.

Afaq Real Estate Company is a well-known name and its record is filled with a number of huge projects that have placed its name as shining stars in the sky of real estate within the Egyptian market due to its unique credibility and modern designs. The company has developed a future plan to define the cultural identity of real estate thought in a distinguished precedent that is the first of its kind. Afaq Company has enjoyed a history full of a large number of achievements and has a number of successful projects in East and West Cairo and the north coast.

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